
I Hope Your Every Day Is Special · 23 March 2024

I hope your every day is special. I really do.

Think about it. Everything may not be awesome as they sing in The Lego Movie, but every day can be special. I know. I am a bit Polyannaish. But that is okay. I do not mind thinking that every day your feet hit the ground is a special day. Or thinking that every day that you get to take another breath is a special day. Or even thinking that every day is a gift, a present from God. Hmm… Maybe the song from The Lego Movie is right with a word change. Every day is awesome.

(By the way. I hope that you did not get the Everything Is Awesome song stuck in your head. It is a silly song that just sneaks up on you. Everything is awesome. Everything is awesome. I know. Not everything is awesome. But life is pretty good. It really is a gift. All you need to do is be present. Or something like that.)

Now where was I? Oh yes. Awesome.

Okay. So every day is not awesome. But the present is still a present. A gift, as it were. And I know that not every gift is so great. But living and breathing is pretty special. Sure beats the alternative. Then again, I heard a preacher say one time that life here on earth is as close to hell as some people will ever get and as close to heaven as others will get. Not necessarily a cheery thought. Depending on your perspective.

And speaking of songs with perspective. As I was sitting here writing, I thought of a song from the old Disney move, Robin Hood. “Sometimes ups outnumber the downs. But not in Nottingham.” Those lyrics come to mind when I think of bad days. Even so, I tend to think that the ups usually outnumber the downs. Which is one of the reasons why I think that every day is special.

Okay. Enough Pollyannaishness.

I hope that you believe the present is truly a gift. Even if your ups do not outnumber your downs. I hope that your every day is special. (And I hope you get the Everything Is Awesome song out of your head soon.)

© 2024 Michael T. Miyoshi

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Pi Day and Leap Day · 16 March 2024

I cannot believe that I missed an opportunity to write about a special day! I missed an opportunity to write about a special day that only comes around once every four years. Leap Day.

If you did not know. Leap Day was and is February 29th. Yes. February 29th. I think I forgot to write about it because it only comes around once every four years. Which is pretty cool. Or not. Think about it. People who have their birthdays on Leap Day would only ever get to celebrate on their true birthday once every four years. (Which is not to say that they age at one quarter of the speed of everybody else. Which would be quite the interesting feat.)

(By the way. Most of the people who have this birthday seem to celebrate their birthdays on March 1. Which makes sense. After all, February 28th, which comes around every year, by the way, is the day before their birthday. Which would be odd. Celebrate one day early? Preposterous. That would be like celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve. Which, I know, is not that preposterous. At least celebrating on the first instead of the twenty-eighth seems to be the case with most of the people I have talked to.)

At any rate.

I suppose that I have written about Leap Day. But I do not know. I do not remember everything I write. I seem to just post a blog and forget it. It must be maddening for my few readers (both real and imaginary). They talk to me about a blog post and I forgot what I wrote. I know. I am strange.

On the other hand, Pi Day comes every year. March fourteenth. 3.14. Which in 1592 or 1593 would have been even more accurate. At least if you left out all but one of the periods or slashes or whatever delimiter to get 3.141592 or 3.141593. Then again, if you really wanted to be more accurate with numeric dates, you would put the year first, then the month, then the day. I do not write my dates that way, but they are surely more easily sorted that way. (Unfortunately, it does not make for a very good Pi Day (1592.3.14).)

At any rate.

Pi Day is celebrated by math geeks the world over. Woo hoo! Pi Day! I am sure there are pi pies sold far and wide. Which, by the way, is how I remembered that I should have written about Leap Day and Pi Day. I used a picture of a pi pie on my last blog blog. (Yes, I wrote, “blog blog” on purpose purpose.) I thought the pi pie was a clever picture for a post about clever word play. Then I realized… I could have had a V8. I mean, I realized… I could have written about Leap Day.

Which is right back where I started. I cannot believe I missed an opportunity to write about a special day. Ah well. Instead, I got to ramble on about two special days. Leap Day and Pi Day.

I hope that you had a special Leap Day and a special Pi Day. And I hope your every day is special.

© 2024 Michael T. Miyoshi

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Speaking of Something Dumb… · 9 March 2024

I do not know if you ever do dumb stuff, but I do. Seemingly all the time. Usually, when I think I am being clever.

It does not snow that often where I live, but I have lived in snowy places during my lifetime. So I really ought to know better. I ought to know better than to turn on the windshield wipers when the door is open. Especially if there is powdery snow on said windshield.

I remember being younger living in the Spokane area and turning on the car to warm it up. I would just hang one foot out the door and start up the car, turn on the defrost, get out, and scrape the windows. It was pretty normal preparation for winter driving. I am not sure exactly why I just left the door open and kept that one foot dangling, but I did it most of the time. Maybe I just wanted to take one less step when getting out to scrape the windows. I am not positive, but that sounds about right.

Living in the Seattle area is a bit different. Not quite as much snow. But I suppose that old habits, even habits from long ago and not often used in the present, still rear their heads now and again. Which happened a couple times recently. The first time that I left the door open to turn on the car, there was a tiny bit of snow on my car. And apparently, I had left the windshield wipers on when I turned the car off, so I got a tiny bit of snow on the inside of the door. Silly me. But no harm.

The second time, I remembered that I did not want the windshield wipers to be on, so I thought I ought to shut them off. Apparently, I had turned it off when I turned the car off, so that if it did snow, the wipers would not push the snow off the windshield onto the door, onto my leg, and into the car. But alas. I pushed the wiper selector up to intermittent and the wiper swished all that powdery snow onto the door and my leg, and into the car. And it was not a little bit of snow, it was a lot of snow. How silly. In reality, I should have checked the wiper settings before I turned the car on. That would have been the wise thing to do. But I do not think anybody has called me wise. At least not seriously. And definitely not recently.

It is funny. Whenever I do something dumb, I think that I ought to write about it. Okay. Not whenever. After all, if I wrote about all the dumb stuff I do whenever I do them, I would never run out of material. But I did need to write about these two incidents. After all, they were within about a week of each other. I could not believe that I did the same dumb thing twice in such a short period of time. Ah well.

I am sure that I will turn on my car with my leg hanging out the door again. Just because I want to save that extra motion when getting out to scrape the snow or ice off my windows. (Yes, I do scrape them all.) But perhaps I will make sure the windshield wipers are off before I turn on the car. After all, now I have written about this particular dumb thing that I did when I thought I was being clever.

© 2024 Michael T. Miyoshi

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