
Congratulations Class of 2024 · 15 June 2024

To the graduating class of twenty twenty-four
When you started high school you did not walk through the door
Instead you were merely faces on the screen
Or black rectangles because you did not want to be seen.
You made it through all those classes hybrid
Yes, some of you came and some of you hid.
You made it through the pandemic years
With emotions ranging from cheering to tears.

It is funny remembering that when you came back
I still did not know you because your face had a mask.
And I was surprised by everyone’s height
I never guessed by your screenshot, try as I might.
But you handled the new reality with grace
With grit in your heart and tears on your face
This world would not beat you try as it might
You were earning your wings readying yourself to take flight.

Now things are more or less normal, I know
And so we progress through life but even so
I want you to know that my life you have touched
I want you to know that I love you so much.
You are my children when you spend time with me
We have become part of one big family.
A family connected through experience and location
A family who went through much trial and tribulation.
A family who shared much joy and much laughter
A family who cheered when members got what they went after.
A family that grows with each passing year
A family I send out with the shedding of tears.

I hope you learned lots and have memories fond
I hope you remember us and our family bond.
I wish you the best as you walk out the door.
Congratulations! Class of 2024.

© 2024 Michael T. Miyoshi

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