Have You Read My Books? · 21 December 2024
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Just because you have books out there, does not mean that anybody will buy them. Or maybe that is just me.
When I tell people that I have over a dozen books on Amazon ready for people to buy, they think it is amazing. “Wow! That many books!?” They are amazed for a moment and then nobody buys them. Okay. Not nobody. I have a friend and colleague who bought three of my books after a road trip to a track and field meet. He said that he liked the first chapter of D.B. Cooper and Me, but has not had a chance to read more yet.
Which is the other problem I seem to have. Those who do buy my book or who I give the book to or who somehow have a copy of any of the books I have written seem to not read the whole thing. Okay. A couple people have. But they are both related to me. Which is par for the course. I do have relatives who have read and even commented on my books. (Thank you.) I am just not sure they have read them. (Just kidding. I had to say that to finish the woe is me notion.)
(By the way, I am not having a woe is me pity party. I actually do not like to have them, although I have been told that I do have them. No. In reality, when I talk about nobody reading my books, it is a backward way of saying that people ought to read my books. I know. It does not work for most people. It probably does not work for me either. But hey. Why not go with what is not working anyway.)
At any rate.
I love to write. I even like the publishing part. I am not much into the editing and promoting part. I need to get better at both of those. The editing thing is pretty easy with a blog post. Just read it through a time or two, fix an issue here or there, then post it. Whether it is any good or not. Just throw it out there and see what sticks. And if it does not stick, that is okay. The couple readers that you have will think it funny or that it stinks or somewhere in between. Or maybe that is just me. Okay. That is just me.
At any rate.
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I am not complaining about people not buying or commenting on my books. After all, I have not done much promoting of them. I have not run any specials. I have not tried to get every person I know to buy them. But maybe I should. Maybe I should be that obnoxious writer you know who is always pushing his books on everybody. Maybe I should be that shameless self-promoter who gets on everybody’s nerves because all he talks about is himself and his products. Maybe I should…
Nah. That is just not me. I am not a self-promoter. I do not even like to talk about myself. Other people are so much more interesting than I am. I would much rather listen to somebody than talk to anybody about myself. Which is why I blog. I can say dumb stuff any time and nobody will remember.
Okay. That is about it. This is another call to my readers to buy one of my books. Maybe even read it. And maybe even leave a comment about it. Either here or on Amazon. I love feedback. Good or bad. After all, having no comments seems like having a bunch of bad reviews. Nobody likes my books enough to say anything about them. Ah well.
So buy one (or more) of my books and leave a review. You might regret it, but I hope not. I hope you enjoy my books as much as you enjoy my blog. Well, maybe I hope you enjoy them more.
© 2024 Michael T. Miyoshi
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